Every family has that one person that you wish you were never related to. Well I have quite a few family members I wish I was never related to. I have never really been close my my Aunts, Uncle, or Cousins growing up, and that is something I have always hated. But these 5 I mentioned in this blog I could not be happier that they are no longer a part of my life. They made me a stronger person with all their negativity, but I do not need to waste my time considering them family. I can let things roll off my shoulders and I love proving people wrong.
My Maternal Grandmother: When I was younger I did love my Grandma, like most little kids. I loved going because I got cookies and candy. There was still something lingering in the way I got treated. I noticed at an early age that my grandma treated me differently than my brother. He was regarded as the angel child, the one that never did anything wrong, and you could always depend on him to be perfect. I was the bad seed, the black sheep, and always got treated like crap. If something was broken she would blame me, if something was misplaced she would blame me, if something was dirty she would blame me. I was about 11 or so when we went to go visit her in Georgia and my brother saw some live saver on the fridge. He wanted some so he got them down and ate a few. Then so he wouldn't get in trouble he hid them in the bathroom behind the toilet. My grandma found them and came straight at me. Called me a liar and a thief when I tried to tell her I didn't take them. My brother even told her that he was the one that took them. My grandma told him to stop defending me she knew I was a thief so it had to be me. It wasn't until my mom stepped up that she stopped. Once my mom convinced her that my brother took them she looked at me and said "Oh" then looked at my brother and said "all you had to do was ask" then walked away. Never once did she ever apologize.
As I got older she would start to tell my mom that she was raising me to be a bad kid, that if my mother just whooped me more I might be as good as my brother. My grandma would tell me to my face that she didn't trust me. When I was 18 and decided to start college she said she was proud of me and would help pay for books. Only after I went to ask her for the money for the books did she add "You must pass the first semester so I know you are serious before I help out with the books." The following Christmas my brother got about 5 or 6 big presents from her and some money; I got a card. Inside was a hand written note "For Christmas I am giving you $50, but I gave $25 to your aunt to pay back what you owe her and the other $25 will be given to you once I see you are serious about college." Thanks Bitch! She passed away in 2005.
Maternal Aunt #1: She followed in her mothers footsteps. I was a horrible child and my brother was her "Boo Boo." She would take my brother wherever he wanted to go, my mom had to make her take me. I was too loud, a liar, a thief, spoiled, annoying, self-centered, and much more to her. Growing up to retaliate I did some not so great things to her as well, but I will not talk about those now. Her attitude changed towards me a little after I had my son, but only because my son became her "Baby Waby." My brother had a phone through her plan but only had to pay her $5 in the start. I had to literally beg her to add me. She excepted $30 from me the 1st of every month. If I was short or late she had my phone shut off without telling me. She paid my tuition for college after I told her no then demanded I pay her monthly and even wrote out bills for me. Then her and my mom talked about buying a double wide mobile home together as long as my mother agreed that I was never allowed to set foot in the house (the house my son lived in with my mom). My mom let me come over on the weekends anyways, which caused my Aunt to pretty much lock herself in her room. Then when my mom talked about me moving in to be closer to my son my aunt moved out without telling anyone. My son was siting on her bed watching tv when he came in with movers and told them to unplug the tv without giving any explanation to my, then, 4 year old son. About a week after she moved out I noticed something in the back yard so I went to go see who this guy was. The look on his face was shock and horror. He asked if we lived here, I said yes, then he said "We were told this place was empty and to shut off the power." My aunt told them no one lived there and to shut off the power so she didn't have to keep paying for it. No warning to us so we could get power in my name. She is currently bad mouthing me to any family member that will listen to it. I have recently text her because of her wanting to be a part of my sons life. I told her I hold no hard feelings towards her, but I only want her respect as my sons mother. She then proceeds to tell me that until I show her the respect she feels she deserves she is never going to respect me and that I should stop "demanding" respect. 'Nuff said, you are no aunt of mine or my son.
Maternal Aunt #2: Again, like her younger sister and mother, I am a God awful horrible person. If my brother and I were out with her and had money she would demand that we bought her something. If we refused she would tell our parents we were ungrateful. My dad has had many words with her and always voiced how he couldn't stand my moms three sisters. I don't remember much from when we were younger because I blocked it out. Yet, when I was trying to leave my abusive ex she told me I could move in with her, and I did hoping she had changed. She didn't, and I wrote about it in this blog: I Am Not A Victim, I Am A Survivor. She called me a whale, told me when I walked through the house she had to brace herself because it felt like a Mac Truck was driving through her house. I found out after we moved out that while I was gone she would try to talk my mom into putting it in her will that if my mom died my aunt got custody of my son because I was going to do nothing but screw him up mentally. She still bad mouths me. I was apparently a terror to live with, I abused her so horribly she is scared when the door rings thinking it is me coming back to kill her.
Maternal Second Cousin: Follows suit with the above, but not in the beginning. I loved him in the beginning. I thought he was the coolest guy around and his son (my third cousin) was my favorite cousin. I went to live with him when I was 18. He felt that to mature I needed to get away from my parents who were messing up my chances at becoming an adult. My cousins would go out of there way to make me feel comfortable. my 2nd cousin would have me help him with his company while I looked for work, my 3rd cousin would invite me to hang out with him and his friends. After 6 weeks I just wanted to go home and I told my 2nd cousin this. He paid my my greyhound ticket back home and wished me good luck. Then out of nowhere he is telling people that all I did was leech of him and try to get money out of him every time I saw him. So not even the case. Then he moved up here to live with my mom and Aunt #1 in the house and it got worse. I was a bad mother, I had no discipline, I was a mooch, a leech, and I was going to drag my mother down into a dark abyss. I should mention that my mom has a way of over exaggerating when I mess up to her family, so she is partly the reason they treated me this way. Then when he moved back to Georgia he told my son that he was giving him his Xbox. It was a piece of shit so I sold it and spent the money on my son. He came back up a few months after I moved to Georgia demanding that he gets it back. Then when he couldn't find it he called me a thieving bitch.
Paternal Step-grandma: She was fine with me until I hit about 13 then she started to get a little weird. I cannot remember much about it, but when I was 19 my views on her changed forever. I had gotten kicked out of my parents house because I had plans and didn't come home when my mother told me to. I knew my grandma had an extra room in her house so I called her asking if my ex (bf at the time) and I could stay there for a few weeks until we found something else. She told me that she didn't have the room that someone else was sleeping in that room then "hung up" the phone. She didn't hang it up, but must have thought she did. For 5 straight minutes I can hear her badmouthing me to whoever was there with her. "This girl is always asking me for money (not true, never once). She deserved to get kicked out of her mothers house. I can't believe she would actually think that I would want to help her. She is such a leech. All she ever wants to do it ruin everyone else's life the way she is ruining hers." It got worse over the 5 minutes. I had to fake a smile every time I saw her after that. When she passed earlier this year I only went to her funeral out of my grandpa who passed 12 years ago.
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