Friday, June 21, 2013

If it aint broke why keep changing it??

Since my son was born I have come to learn that many things are done differently than when I was a child. Most of the time I would do what I felt was best for my child, even if the Dr said otherwise. There have, however been a few times where I did what the Dr suggested just simply because I was not sure how I felt about my way v their way.  I know that I am 20 years older than Booger and things do change over the years, but the amount of changes has always seemed crazy to me. Boogers main pediatrician is mine from 18mo-16yr so when I don't agree with one of her colleagues I ask what she feels and she almost always goes old school. She is partially retired and I will most likely cry when she completely retires, I just need her to wait until Booger thinks he is too old for a 'baby' Dr.

CHANGE NUMBER ONE: Putting a small amount of baby cereal in the formula to help fill the baby up so they are not taking a bottle every hour as opposed to the typical 2 hours. 
When I was little this was something my mom did with me and my brother. We were both well over 10lbs at birth and were HUNGRY. So she would cut the nipple hole a little bigger, but a very small amount of baby cereal in the formula and feed us. It would keep us full longer and made up happy babies. While Booger was a healthy 8.9lbs compared to my almost 11lbs he had a healthy appetite and it took quite a bit to make his tummy happy. So I did what my mom did with me and my brother. While at a 3mo check up my sons Dr (not his primary one) over heard me talking about it to my mom and about chewed my head off. Something about how I was going to hurt his immune system, make him allergic to everything under the sun, and his stomach couldn't handle it. Of course after talking to his primary pediatrician she told me I was fine with what I was doing and her colleagues are younger and follow the newer practices.

CHANGE NUMBER TWO: Feeding more than one type of baby food in a day.
When me and my brother were little my mom would give us a variety of baby food. For lunch we would have one thing, dinner would be another, so on and so forth. Which is what I did with Booger. His favorites were the nasty smelling green ones, but he LOVED his fruits as well. So when I fed him he would typically get half a jar of gross green (made the diaper look amazing by the way) and half a jar of the fruits. Sometimes he would still be full so he would top off with some formula. Pediatrician (younger ones) were not happy with this either. Again, I was risking my child growing up with severe food allergies. Really? Every child before 2000-whatever was fed like that and they turned out fine.

CHANGE NUMBER THREE: Spanking and time outs
When I was younger it was nothing to see a kid who was acting like a asshat get a swat on the ass, get stuck nose first into the nearest corner, or told to go eat soap when the swore. Now if you do something like that you are abusing your child and everyone who witnesses it will call 241-kids and tell the world that you are a horrible parents because you actually teach your kid that being a jerk or not listening or cursing to your parents face has consequences. Is it any wonder why some children today are total buttholes? Now I read about how being a helicopter parents is a positive thing and instead of grounding your child or giving them a time out you are supposed to smother them with love because that is the only way your child will know you love them and not grow up emotionally scared because they were punished. Bet your butt when I swore in front of my mom I was given the option of bar soap or liquid soap-- you want liquid btw because bar will totally stick to your teeth no matter would much you try to rinse your mouth out. I got time out more times than I can count. My ass got busted numerous times. I don't feel unloved, I am not emotionally scared, I deserved that shizz man! Booger gets grounded, he gets a quick swat when absolutely needed. Thankfully he gets upset enough with himself when he curses that I don't need to do anything about that.

CHANGE NUMBER FOUR: Using dots and dashes to do math
I don't have much to say about this except why is my 8 year old still being taught to do addition and subtraction with dots and dashes? To figure out 20+16 I see dots and dashes all over the paper instead of writing it with the 20 on top and 16 below it. If I try to help him with his math and write it that way he goes "That's not how we do it, I can't write it like that!" Um ok!

CHANGE NUMBER FIVE: Kids under the age of 14 with cell phones.
In the 90s when I wanted to know if my friend was busy or wanted to play I would GO TO THEIR HOUSE AND ASK THEM or call them from a landline. Now I am seeing kids as young as 6 with their own cell phone! Seriously? You child has that huge of a social life and that busy of a calender to need their own personal phone? I get it if you are in a split family and you want to make sure your child can call you in a serious situation but why do they need one other than that? Booger has been asking for a phone since he was 5 and my answer is always "When you are 14, have a a social life where you are gone with friends most of the time, and can help with enough chores around the house to pay for it. Plus you better have straight As" The ONLY way he gets a phone before that is if he ever spends more time with his dad so I can call him because his dad ignores me when he is with Booger. Then when he is with me the phone gets put up till he is with his dad again.

CHANGE NUMBER SIX: Addiction to the internet.
My house didn't have the internet until I was 13. When we did finally get it I was only allowed to use it to help with homework. I didn't get a MySpace until I was 17 and I didn't have Facebook until I was 23. Now its almost impossible to meet a child who doesn't spend a great deal of time on a computer, smart phone, or tablet. Booger is almost 9 and plays WoW (World of Warcraft for those not in the know) and Minecraft. When he gets grounded and loses computer time he acts like the world is over. He knows how to do internet searches better than I do and I have 16 years experience over his little behind. There have been so many time where I have witnessed someone under the age of 24 being asked a question they should know the answer to and they have to look it up before they can answer. I had a full encyclopedia set not Google. The internet is breeding zombie children and so many people act like it is completely normal! At the first sign of Booger turning into a zombie I am throwing away all computers and will just have to do all my homework while I am at school!

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