Today is the first day of Spring Break.
Normally a day that I would be dreading because my son drives me absolutely bonkers on his breaks from school, but today I woke up feeling kinda crappy.
You know, that kinda crappy where you don't feel sick, but you feel run down and just blech.
I was behind on meals, I didn't work out, what I did eat wasn't the best in choices, I really wanted Cheddar Fries... SO BAD, and I rarely moved from my computer chair or the recliner.
But, I did spend a little over an hour and a half playing Mario Kart with my son.
Something that doesn't happen all too often.
Usually because I get bored with it really quickly and my son gets really cocky when he starts winning and it's annoying as hell.
However, it was really fun today!
So, I considered today my "off" day from work and spent time playing with my son.
Hell, most of my SnapChat story today involves him! (mstiana84)
It worked out, not feeling all that well, because I got to spend the day with my lil man.
Half the time when I do have the time to spend it with him he is on his computer and ignoring me, or when I am super busy/distracted is when he wants to spend time with me.
I love my son and today, except for feeling poopy, was perfect.
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