Monday, September 4, 2017

Wow it's been a while!

I didn't realize it's been almost a year since the last time I posted here!
I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and decided to minimize the amount of social media I am dealing with daily. That means removing myself from pages I run and deleting apps off my phone.
I know a lot of you have stuck around to keep hearing how Booger is doing and that means so damn much to me!
He's in his 2nd year old online schooling and his final year as a middle school student. I can't freaking believe it!! Next year I will have a damn freshman in high school!!!!!! Booger wants to go to a brick and mortar school again for high school. At least for a year or so. I'm praying it works out for him!
Now that he's getting older it's opening me up to being able to do more in terms for work, which is exciting and scary at the same time.
The joys of him going to school, right now, at home means I can potentially work during the day and have him do classes in the evenings when I am not working. Since my dad is home, albeit asleep, it does make me a little nervous. So, I have to feel comfortable that Booger can feed himself and not destroy the house while I work. He also doesn't do well with separation from me, so that's another thing that needs to be worked on.
I have a lot more thinking, planning, and discussing to do, but my plan is to find a better job than what I have now.
I'll keep y'all updated!

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