Friday, December 1, 2017

31 Day Blog Challenge: Day 1

Well, lol, lets see if I can stick to this one!
Every other time I try to start something that is going to take more than 4-8 days I end up forgetting about it.
This is the last 31 days of 2017 so I decided to finish it with a new blog every day! I am following a guideline that I found and I know some days will be easier than others, it all depends on what I am supposed to write about that day.
Today, well, that's the easy one! Today all I have to do is introduce myself.
Thankfully, if you are someone that has followed me over the years, and dealt with major lulls in my writing, you do know about it. However, if this is your first time reading one of my blogs then I just hope I can introduce myself well enough.
Also, feel free to check out some of my other posts!
Ok, lets go!!
I am a 33 year old single mother of a teenager. My son is 13 and has hit that "I know better than you" phase of his life that I get to live with for, probably, the next ten years. I am a daughter, a sister, and an aunt. The best titles I could have in my life.
As a kid I was angry at almost everything and took it out on my family.
As an adult I am still trying to figure my shit out. I don't "adult" very well, lol, but I am working on getting better at it.
I work 2 jobs, one that I have had for just over two years. Which, sadly, is the longest I have ever held a job since I started working when I was 14. The other one I have had for three months. It is not a job I ever thought I would have, and I love it more than I thought it would! I really hope that I can say I am still there in two years.
I have been to college. I didn't graduate, but I got really close to finishing my associates degree. Five dang credits away and I ran out of money. Attempting to go to college while being a single mother of a child with needs meant that it took me quite a while to get as far as I did.
My life, pretty much, revolves around my child. When he was 5 he started having violent outbursts when he got stressed, sad, or overwhelmed and we didn't know why. Then when he was 7 he was diagnosed with ADHD, and over the next year or so we also found out he had ODD, GAD, and SPD. From a young age I always wondered if he was on the autism spectrum, he fit a lot of the markers for someone on the spectrum, so I fought to get him tested. He does NOT fall on the spectrum, but all the other issues he has pretty much mimics it. So, most people when they meet my son assume he is autistic. Sometimes I think it would be easier if he was than having to explain why he seems like he is, but isn't.
I took my son out of brick & mortar schools when he finished 6th grade, way too many issues with the school going unresolved, and I got him enrolled in on-line schooling. 7th grade went decently, since it was a whole new experience for the both of us. This year is, sadly, more difficult. Not because it is harder, material wise, but because I tried to work while he was in school and it just backfired. So, I went part time to be able to stay home and make sure he was doing what needed to be done.
My family means everything to me. I have a best friend who is practically my sister, and both her kids are my niece and nephew. I don't need blood for those three to be my family. I have two biological nieces from my brother and his wife, and those girls are the best additions to our family. Better than I could have hoped for. Being their aunt is the biggest blessing I could have hoped for in my life. My dad has always been my rock. Always there to catch me when I fall. My mom was my best friend, and sadly it took me too long to figure that out. My mother passed away just two and a half weeks ago and its left a serious hole in my life. The type of depression that comes from losing a loved one is nothing like I could have imagined.
Other than work and family I don't really have much going on in my life. I don't like crowds and have social anxiety. I watch movies, listen to music, and attempted writing for a while. Wrote a "book" and was too scared to do anything with it, so it's filed away. Started this blog, and can't even keep up with writing in it, lol. Wrote poetry as a teen, but was too scared to let anyone read it, and eventually lost them. I might try writing again some day, but I am not sure.
Now that I have written way more than I intended to, I hope that my introduction of myself did its job and I hope you come back tomorrow! Tomorrow's blog with be 20 facts about me!
See ya!

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