Monday, December 25, 2017

31 Day Blog Challenge: Days 23 & 24

Day 23: Scariest Mom Moment.
I have to say, there are three of those moments for me.

The first one was when my son was about 2 1/2, he had his tonsils removed because they were quite swollen. It was his first time going under for surgery. That alone was scary, but the scariest part was after we got home. My son didn't understand that he had to take something for the pain he was feeling. He refused to take anything, which meant he didn't want to eat or drink anything. Not keep his throat wet ended up drying out his stitches. The scariest part was when I would see a little bit of blood every time he coughed.
I called 911 because of his coughing up blood, and when the paramedics showed up they had the audacity to say "there isn't enough blood here to require us to do anything." Any amount of blood coming out of the throat of a toddler is enough blood to require them to do something.
They left, refusing to do anything, and I called the on-call pediatrician.
I told them what happened, told her what the paramedics said, and she was baffled that they said that.
After talking to the on-call I took my son to the hospital.
There he stayed, hooked-up to IV fluids, for 18 hours.
He had to stay until he would eat, drink, and hold it down.
I never would have thought that getting tonsils removed could cause this much of a problem!

The second one was only a few months later.
My mom and I were having a bad day, and getting very angry with each other, over the dumbest little shit.
I was laying in bed trying to sleep, my mom was in the shower, and Elijah was playing on his bed. My mom and I were yelling at each other from across the hallway, not really thinking about what Elijah was hearing.
After my mom and I stopped yelling at each other I was calling for Elijah, and not getting an answer.
I got up to look for him and couldn't find him anywhere.
As I was yelling that I couldn't find him, to my mom, I noticed that the screen in mom and Elijah's room was kicked out. We had that motherf*cker screwed into place because it was level with Elijah's bed.
I ran outside in a frantic, screaming Elijah's name.
Around this time is when my neighbor across the hall was coming out to take out the trash. He saw me running around, and screaming for my kid, and instantly put together what was going on, and joined in looking for him with me.
What scared me the most about this, was that there were 5 registered sex offenders in our complex, and three of them involving very young children.
After my neighbor told me he couldn't find Elijah anywhere in the perimeter of the complex I called the cops. When they asked me what he was wearing, I couldn't remember anything except a t-shirt and underwear.
As I am talking to dispatch I hear "I found him" and look to see another neighbor of mine walking towards me holding my sons hand. I have known her for years, we were neighbors at a different apartment when I was in high school.
I let the officer know my son was back, hung up the phone, and yelled "WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GO!?!"
My neighbor told me that someone came up to her, with my son, and said "I know you know his mom, take him back to her." Elijah told me he went to "some guys house, he had cookies."
To this day I am convinced that the only reason I got him back, safe, unharmed, alive, was because of how loudly I was screaming for my child.
Elijah told me and my mom that he thought, because we were fighting, that we didn't want him any more and he ran away.

Scary moment number three, again, involved my child disappearing.
My mom, Elijah, and I were at the mall spending time together. We had walked out of Hot Topics, after introducing my mom to the store. She freaking loved Hot Topics by the way.
We were standing just outside the store talking about how much my mom loved the store and trying to figure out what store to go to next. I looked down at where Elijah was standing and didn't see him there. I didn't see him anywhere around me.
My mom started panicking and ran over to mall security.
As she was talking to security and describing what my son was wearing I was scanning the crowd trying to find him.
After about 45 seconds I spotted him, all the way down by the carousel at the food court.
After yelling that I found him I took off towards him.
When I got down there I hear him arguing with the 16 year old that was working the carousel.
My 3 year old child was arguing with a 16 year old about getting a free ride on the horsies.
Leave it to my child to walk away from me, without telling me anything, to try and talk someone into giving him what he wants.

Since day 23 ended up longer than planned I will keep day 24 shorter lol.

Day 24, favorite childhood book.
I had two favorite books. I read them every day. I wish I still had them too.

Tubby and the Lantern

Five Chinese Brothers

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