Thursday, July 19, 2012

Reward Charts are a God Send!

While seeing my sons social worker I remembered something the Child Advocate at one of the shelters we stayed at had my son do. A sticker Behavioral Chart. If he got X amount of stickers in a certain time period, a week to start then every two weeks, he would get to pick from her prize bucket. It seemed to work very well. If he had a day where he got no stickers then she would ask him what happened that day and why he didn't earn a sticker. Then talk to him about different ways to handle said situation if it happens again. So I decided, after talking to the social worker, that I would try it again.

My son is going to have three times a day where he can earn a sticker. That gives him 21 chances to earn a sticker. As long as he earns 16+ stickers then he gets a prize. For my son that would either be going to Dollar Tree to buy something, getting extra time on the computer, or an hour of uninterrupted 'Mommy Time.' Right now my son has no interest in doing a sticker chart, but once we get going with it I know he will like it. It will give him a chance to see how many good days he can have in a row, and see when he has a bad day as well. When my son has bad days he has a lot of remorse for what he did, so doing this it gives him a chance to celebrate his good days for a change.

Part of his evening sticker earn(age) will be leaving me alone for 2 hours to get my school work done. While he is busy playing his computer games, that is my time to concentrate completely on my homework.

We shall see in a week or two how this works. But my fingers are crossed that it works well!


  1. hows he doing so far?

  2. Seems that every evening he does not earn a sticker, but good otherwise.
