Friday, March 23, 2012

You are supposed to LEARN from my mistakes!

So the bug guy is coming on Sunday to spray the apartment and I am in the process of cleaning so the bug guy is not scared. While getting shit off the floor of the bedroom I just so happened to glance under the bunk bed. Oh. My. Damn. You. Little. Brat!

My son has heard stories of my brother and I hiding things under our bunk bed hoping our mother would not find them. Mainly when we were told to clean the room everything on the floor (toys, clothes, trash) were shoved under the bed. The things used to go in the closet until we learned that was the first place our mother looked. So under the bed was perfect, she actually believed we cleaned and and put things where they belonged..... until my dad convinced her to look under the bed.. Thanks Dad! So after so many times of laying on the floor trying to pull all this stuff out (enough stuff to completely decorate our room two times over) she got fed up and bought a rake. So every  time we cleaned she would stick the rake under the bed and pull out everything we tried to hide. After about six months or so of this my brother and I learned how to actually clean out room, and it was hell. I was a sloppy child!

So, you would think that after hearing the stories my son would know to NOT put things under the bunk bed because Mommy is going to look from time to time. So now that I am back on track I will continue.... I was getting shit off the floor of the room and glanced under the bunk bed and noticed clean and dirty socks under the bed. So I got on the floor and looked.. To my horror I saw: 2 "cuties" in pieces, a piece of fried bologna, a bag of crackers from Skyline, a cup cake, 2 cup cake wrappers, 4 socks, a mechanical pencil, a cup, a straw, a pile of tissues from when he was sick, a string from his magic kit, and a half eaten piece of chocolate.  What. The. Hell. Child!

So Mommy being the awesome Mommy that she is said "get some gloves, a plastic bag, and get your ass under that bed and clean that shit up! He hated every second of it and I was trying my hardest to not laugh. :) I took him 20 minutes to get those few things out from under the bed because I told him that he was going to get roaches in the apartment, so he was convinced he saw things moving.

Then Mommy had the genius idea to run to the living and grab her camera out of her purse. And I thought I would write this blog and share the picture!  I am the best Mommy right now. My son also quickly learned that food is forever forbidden from the room while he is watching TV.

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