Thursday, September 26, 2013

The shit side of laundry

There is one thing that I am sure most mothers are terrified of when it comes to cleaning up after their children. At least I know I am terrified of this. It is.........


Especially if you have boys. I am not sure how it goes with girls, but washing my sons clothes is a horror story all in its own right! I never know what I am going to find or if something is clean or dirty.

There is the sniff test, if you can handle it. Just grab their clothes and take a whiff. If you feel the need to gag they are dirty, but how do you know that you aren't going to get a nose full of piss or something worse?

If the clothes are in the bathroom or scattered around the living room then it is just a bet that those are dirty. If not, they are going to be getting washed anyways.

When it comes to my son it is usually just safer to throw everything in the basket if I am not sure. I saw "When in doubt just wash it!"

I am the most terrified when it comes to reaching in the basket to put the clothes in the washer. There have been more than one occasion where I have stuck my hand in something brown. My son, when he has an accident, instead of cleaning things up will just hide the soiled item under the rest of the dirty laundry. What makes it worse is when it doesn't go away in the washer, but you don't know that until you open the drier and are hit square in the face with that awful smell.

My son helps out with his laundry if I do it while he is home, but there are those days I try to get it done before he comes home from school. I think I need to learn to only do it while he is home so I can save my hand, my stomach, and my sanity.

Hello, my name is Tiana and I am afraid of my sons dirty laundry.

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