Thursday, April 17, 2014

He's not doing that for your amusement.

My son has ADHD, ODD, and Anxiety. He tends to shut down when he is not in a good mood or doing something he doesn't want to do. One thing that really rubs me the wrong way is when other kids around him start laughing and making jokes about it. I am used to him shutting down. Sometimes it irritates me; sometimes it doesn't phase me. It does bother me when kids make fun of him for it.

Towards the end of his pack meeting Booger shut down because his head started hurting. He sat against the wall, near everyone else, but just looked straight ahead and didn't say anything. He was ignoring his pack leader when he was trying to get my son to join the rest of the group to end the meeting. I hear the other 10 kids laughing at how he was acting. One was waving their hand in front of his face and lifting my sons arm just to watch it drop straight back down. That kid did that about three or four times. All his pack leader was doing was telling my son to join the group. So I decided to walk over and tell my son that he had 3 seconds to decide if he was going to join the rest of the group or if we were going to leave. I knew the answer was leave, but I was still going to give him the choice.

I get within 3 feet of Booger and three more kids stand up and all say "Maybe he is dead. I know how to get him to talk!" I just very sternly, on the verge of being pissed, said "No. Get away from my son." gently nudged the other kid out of the way and told Booger he had 3 seconds to join the group or we were leaving. We left. As we were walking to where my stuff was to grab it I could still hear the kids laughing about what my son was doing.

On the way home I had to make sure Booger didn't think I was mad at him for how he was acting, but more upset with how the other kids were acting. Booger said, "I know. That was why I was ignoring them." I am glad he ignored them. If it was me they were doing that to I would have gone off on them. I know how my son feels, I have ADHD and pretty sure I had ODD as a kid. I shut down a lot. I mean a lot! I also held in how I was feeling outside my own home. The kids that picked on me had no idea that one day I was going to snap and just verbally rip them a new asshole in the middle of the high school hallway.

I can't stand it when I see Booger get treated like that because of what he does. I want to defend him and go off on the other kids. I want to go off on their parents for not stopping them. I also know that those kids and parents have no idea why my son is doing what he is doing. So I just remove him from the situation when I am able to. He is not their toy. He is not there to amuse them. How would they feel if another kid had done that to them?

I will be emailing his pack leader explaining that we left not because of my son but because of the other kids there.

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