Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Why I love when people read me the wrong way :)

Back Story… this girl has three kids and was living with her dead beat ex husband expecting him to still be willing to help out with the kids. He decided she has to work X amount of hours causing her to get 2 jobs, raise the boys herself, clean the house, and take care of all the bills. All while he sits on his immature (ex military) ass playing video games until 5am and sleeping until 2pm. So he moves back in with mommy and daddy so they can continue to change his diapers and feed him his formula.
Main Post: What should I do now I’m single? .... Work 2 jobs go to school and never have time with my kids... Sounds great! Can’t wait...

My replies:
 “As a single mom that is something you have to do. We have to make the hard choices. Bust your ass to give your kids everything, or slack on everything and hurt your kids futures.

Her friends are saying similar, yet less blunt things as well

“Just need to suck it up. You are a single mom”

“Brandi I am sorry, but from how many times you have mentioned this in the past 24 hours it just makes it look like you are looking for pity. Try being a single mom in a shelter. Being a single mom is hard, and it means doing things you wish you didn’t have to do. But stop complaining about it. You are older than me and you need to act like it. What you have done is great, but you are not done yet. Stop letting Bobbi weasel his way back in like he has in the past. Grow some balls and be the best single mom you can be.

She says it is not pity just regret and hating herself

Don’t regret him leaving; you should have made him leave years ago

A MALE friend of her said this:
 “I don't know you Tiana and I know I'm out of place by saying this, but every encouraging thing you've said on this post makes you seem like a bitch. I don't know about you, but my friends wouldn't be putting me down, they would try and help. I already like Holly and I don't even know her, but if I met you, I'd probably be inclined to call you ugly.  Oh, and I held back a lot on that post, so if it pisses you off, just my head it was a lot worse.

My reply to not very attractive male friend: 

Jason, nothing you said has pissed me off. You are entitled to your opinion. If I really sounded as bitchy as you think I was would I have had 2 separate people like more than one of my replies? I am a single mom and it is not a cake walk. To think it is supposed to be easy is naive and something a guy (such as yourself) would never understand. We have to be the mom, the dad, the friend, the bread winner, the good guy, and the bad guy. It is the most work a person will ever have to go through. If you want your child(ren) to have the best lives that you can give them then you have to suck it up and grow some balls. That is all I am telling Brandi. I know she can do it or I never would have said it. If I did not believe Brandi was capable of doing everything a single mom can do I would not have said anything. I also know what hell Bobbi has put Brandi through over the years, and even though he has been mooching off of her and making her life hell she has in fact been acting as a single mom since she married his loser ass. Brandi can and will be the absolute best single mom she can be. She just has to get it through her head that she can and understand that it is not easy and is not going to be easy. She will, without a doubt, miss out on things she doesn’t want to, she will have to make the tough decisions, and she will feel like she is not spending any time with her kids. However, for her to give her kids everything she can she has to take care of herself. That means working, possibly, more than one job, continue with school to get her education, and do everything she must to better her life. If her life is shit how can she expect her kids lives to not be shit. So If I am a bitch for telling her the truth then I am a bitch. So hate me all you want and feel inclined to call me ugly. I saw your pictures and you are not much to sneeze at either. I have known Brandi since the 6th grade and she is a fighter not a quitter. Thank you. And God Bless you for being offended by a woman who speaks her mind.  P.S. Jason, I also know if Brandi is offended by anything I say she is (and has) going to tell me so.

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