Friday, February 7, 2014

Warning, medicine makes your child exorcise demons.

I know motherhood isn't easy. I never expected to be. I babysat growing up and saw how down right demonic children could get when they didn't get their way. But I was never prepared for the straight hell on your soul it is when trying to give your child their medication.

If the medicine tastes good then there are no problems. My mom used to hide the pink amoxicilin from me because it tasted like gum and I would drink the liquid form like there was no tomorrow and eat the chew-able form like it was candy. If the medicine tastes like ass your child starts to act like they are exorcising demons from the very depth of their soul.

My son is great if the medicine has a flavor he appreciates but God forbid I try to make him take a bad tasting medicine. I have to full on tackle him and hold his arms down, while holding his head still, keep him from kicking me, and down the hatch the medicine goes. BUT!! Then you have to make sure they don't spit that shit all over their face or yours. I need 5 more arms to accomplish this.

Granted, I haven't had to do this in a while because he can swallow pills. Yet, there are the medications that they only give a child in liquid form. Currently, my son has to take this very citrus smelling, white, thick, sticky medicine because he has an infection in both paratoid glands by his ears. He has to take 2tsp, twice a day, for three weeks. I go to give him a dose, in the stupid syringe type thing, and I get 1/2 a tsp in his mouth when he jerks back, slaps his hands to his mouth, and starts acting like he is about to blow chunks all over the kitchen. Then the crying like I am trying to poison him starts. I still have 1 1/2tsp to get in him.

Getting the rest of his medicine in him required threatening to take things away, fighting the urge to tell him to 'man up', and finally going with "squeeze my hand until your done." All of this was followed with a quick run to the bathroom like he, again, needed to exorcise the demons out of his body.

I don't remember throwing fits like this when it came to taking medicine. Maybe I just blocked that part of my childhood out of my memory, or it never happened, but seriously. What the hell! When are kids going to come with a warning label!

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