Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What is my reoccurring nightmare?

When I was little I had a reaccuring nightmare where I was a princess (just like most little girls) but I was being chased by a killer. The building we were in was made completely out of glass and all the walls were shorter than 3 feet. So every room I would run through to get away from the killer was not as safe as I wanted it to be. As I ran into each room and shut the door behind me the killer would.just jump over the wall. There never seemed to be a way for me to get away from him. It felt like I was running away from him forever. He never got close enough to grab me, but he was close enough that I was scared out of my mind. I would have this dream almost weekly for 4 or 5 years.

Now as an adult I don't so much have a reaccuring nightmare but I have a reaccuring fear. I keep imagining that my son is going to grow to hate me. I do not feel that I am a bad mom, but I know I could be a better mom. My son knows I am there for him, but I also get irritated when I hear my name being called every five seconds and I may snap a little more than I should. So that turns into a fear that as he grows older he will turn his love for me into resentment. I do what I can with as little as I have. We are poor, but I don't want him to feel like a poor kid but he does. I have over heard him telling people "we are poor" or "my mommy has no money"

So there is no reaccuring nightmare as an adult, but there is the reaccuring 'day'mare.

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