Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I finally got my divorce!

David and I eventually did get married. Yeah, I know, I was stupid. We were 23 and we got married on Christmas Eve 2007. We had originally planned on getting married the following September, but my mom forgetting who she was talking to brought up the idea of eloping. So of course we jumped on that idea. It would save us money and we didn’t have to worry about inviting anyone. Three weeks after we got married he decided he couldn’t be who he wanted to be. Meaning he couldn’t sleep with every woman under the sun. He left for a woman in Texas that he had never met in person.
          I fought with him for years to give me a divorce. I told him since I paid everything for us to get married he could pay for the divorce. I also told him how to get us divorced for free. He always had some excuse as to why he could not file the paper work. He didn’t want to remarry so he was in no rush, he had no time to go to the court house, or he forgot how I told him to do it for free. You name it, he had the excuse. The ex I moved away from would always yell at me for not being divorced and accusing me of wanting to stay married so I couldn’t marry him. That was not it at all; I just refused to fork out more money.
          Finally after moving back home I decided that I had ENOUGH of being married. I wanted my last name back. I wanted my divorce. I never felt married anyways. Three weeks is not long enough to feel married. I felt trapped. So when I was at court to try and get custody back of my son I went and picked up the papers for divorce and asked out I filed to get the fees waived since I am technically below poverty level.
          Within three weeks I had all the paper filled out and notarized. All I had to do was get back to the courtroom which was over an hour away and get everything filed. I told David that I had the papers ready to go so he offered to pick me up and drop the papers off. So we got to the court house, had everything checked, got the papers filed, and David was served right then and there. I called three weeks later to check on everything and they tell me there is no record at all of him being served. Are you kidding me? He got served in the lobby of the court house, by one of the Sherriff’s officers that were right there! So we had to wait until they could MAIL him the same papers he was handed. It took months, but we were finally going to court to get divorced!
          David also decided to not fight me for custody. We decided it was best to keep the custody out of the court room. For the first time in 8 years we were able to agree on what was best for our son. I was amazed. I also noticed that he was trying harder than he ever had to be a part of his sons life. I was amazed at how much he had changed just from him not being able to see his son for a year, since we moved out of state. I was proud of who he was becoming and I was happy to finally be divorced!

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