Saturday, January 21, 2012

Teen Moms

I have been watching Teen Mom and Teen Mom 2 a lot lately and it makes me think about all the teen moms out there. Yes there are some teen moms that are excellent at growing up and taking responsibility of their children, but there are too many that have no idea what they are doing. I have a lot of respect for the good ones. They know that they are no longer able to act like a spoiled little brat because they have a small child to take care of. They know that their baby comes first above all else. They understand that getting their education and going to work is what they must do. However, there are too many out there that pass the responsibility on to their parents or lose their baby to the state. I feel sorry for those babies. They do not deserve to be ignored and let down like that. They did not choose to be born. Their parents chose to have unprotected sex before they were ready to handle the consequence.

I was technically a teen mom. Even though I gave birth 4 months after I turned 20, I was 19 when I got pregnant. I was not ready to be a mom but I was excited when I found out .My son is my world and I would do anything I needed to do to make sure he was taken care of. It disgusts me when I see a baby trying to raise a baby of their own. I get sick when I see a teen mom losing their cool with their baby and taking their stress out on their baby. I feel sorry for the baby when I see their parents chose drugs, alcohol, and more sex over spending time with them.

I blame the parents of the teen moms for not being more involved in their teen’s life. I blame the fact that the teens were not more educated on sex and the results and consequences of having sex before they are ready. Teen moms are still babies themselves and are in no position to make life changing decisions like brining a baby into the world. With that said the ones that step up, become responsible, and do right by their children get a giant gold star from me!


  1. I was a teen mom, preggo at 17 born at 18, it is hard, but not impossible. I am now 23 and have 4yr-2yr-7 mos old lil girls. I love them with all my heart and would do n e thing for them. Have since day 1 with #1 my marriage and everything else comes AFTER my .kids. hubby finally gets that. <3 my girls.
    Will Probly follow Ur blog. :)

  2. I hope you do follow. I have had days where it feels like it is impossible, but one smile from my son makes everything worth it!
