Friday, December 22, 2017

31 Day Blog Challenge: Day 22

Best thing to happen this year.
I think that would be getting my 2nd job.
I was looking for a 2nd job, attempting to become more financially stable. Just in case something happened to my dad.
I wanted to know that I could take care of my son, without my dads help, just in case.
A Facebook friend of mine commented on a post I made about trying to find work, told me that she was hiring, and set up an interview with me for the following day.
I, quickly, became a server at a retirement community.
Nothing I ever thought I would do before.
Never in my life did I think that I would be a waitress (server) at any job. Ever.
Let alone, working at a retirement community.
A retirement community that I drove past multiple times a week before I moved to Arizona.
I've been there for a little over three months now and I enjoy it.
Right before my mom passed away I was actually training for a possible promotion, to assistant supervisor.
But, once my mom died I couldn't work for two weeks, which took me out of the running for the promotion.
Which is fine, because I was conflicted on whether or not I really wanted the promotion.
Then, being off because of my mom I was able to get a good in depth look at my sons grades.
He goes to school online, and while I was at work my son was supposed to be on the computer doing school work.
However, he would always go back to sleep.
He got so far behind with his work that I decided to change my hours to where I only work weekends.
For the past three weeks my depression has been bad enough that I actually debating quitting so I didn't have to leave my couch.
Regardless of what the past month has brought my way, I am happy that I got my job, and it's the best thing that has happened to me this year.
Funnily enough, the day I was officially hired my facebook memories showed me that, six years to the date, I asked for exactly what I got.
All thanks to one facebook friend commenting on my post.

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